UK Pale Ale Malt: 14lb 8oz
US Caramel 60L Malt: 1lb 0oz
Belgian Caramel Munich Malt 120: 12.00 oz
US Victory Malt: 12.00 oz
US Caramel 40L Malt: 12.00 oz
US Chocolate Malt: 4.00 oz
UK Peated Malt: 4.00 oz
Extract - Light Dried Malt Extract: 1lb 0oz at Start Of Boil
Mash the Grains at 152 Degrees F
German Northern Brewer 8.0 %AA 1.24 oz -- 60 Min From End
UK Golding 5.5 %AA 0.34 oz -- 15 Min From End
German Northern Brewer 8.0 %AA 0.29 oz -- 15 Min From End
German Northern Brewer 8.0 %AA 0.57 oz -- 5 Min From End
At the shop brew we used SAF-Ale US-05
For a more traditional brew use Wyeast 1728 - Scottish Ale
Pull 1/2 gallon of the wort before the boil, and boil this in a separate pot for 20 minutes. Next add this back into the boil.