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Get Those Anchor Accomplishments Ready!! The Time is Here to Reply!

As Drew told everyone at the last meeting, it is time to get your Anchor blurbs in, cause it is time for the Falcons to take back the Anchor  Homebrew Club of the Year Award.  What comps have you entered? What comps have you won in? What events did you volunteer at? Judge at? Steward at?  What creative positive thing can you contribute to the Board so they can put together a report?

Ask any of the Falcons what a great time they had at Anchor and how the club is treated like royalty.  If you have any questions, make sure to email any of the Board Members. They will be happy to guide you in writing out your contributions.  Photos are good too. I will be submitting info  (article and photos)  about our Spark of Love Toy Drive. C'mon club members!!! Don't leave it to the Board to do alone.  We are all proud Falcons. We all need to help if we can. Please see Drew's Blurb at the top of the webpage under the headline area that says "Tell us what cool things you've done during the year!"


cybertonian's picture

cybertonian's picture

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