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Membership Meeting Minutes- July 2011

Hi everyone!! We had 50 people at our meeting today! For those of you who could not attend, here are the minutes of today's meeting for your perusal.......


GRAND HYDRO- Drew gave us a mini-version of his fabulous Saison talk he gave at the AHA, complete with samples. He served us his Saisons all made with the same wort but batched into 5 different versions with different yeast strains. He also served us commercial samples of DuPont Avril and La Chouffe.

AWARDS PRESENTATION- Congratulations Matt Bourbeau!!! Matt FINALLY got his awards for the 2008 Doug King Memorial for his Oktoberfest Beer and also got his Merlin Cup Award from 2009. Thanks for waiting Matt. John Aitchison was presented his 5 Mayfaire medals. It was also announced that he was runner-up for the Ninkasi Award for the AHA. Though we think he should’ve been number one!!!!

NOMINATIONS- Nominations are still going on for the new Falcon’s Board which will be seated in October. You can sign-up now or nominate someone else as well. Voting takes place at the membership meeting in September. But nominations can still be made even at the September meeting. Come be part of the Board! Give us your new ideas for the club and its functions.

PUBLICITY- Diane reported that the Brew 101 classes have been filled up with lots of people interested in learning the art of brewing. We are still looking for people to run the classes. Please contact Diane at publicity@maltosefalcons.com. You can sit in on a class and learn the ropes.
The shop brew schedule will be as follows:
August 21st- Cullen will be brewing a stout
September 18th- Diane will be brewing a Pale Ale
October- Kent will be brewing Holiday ale. Date will be announced on the website later.
November 20th- Steve and Irene will be brewing an American Red Ale.
Remember... you must be an up-to-date paid Falcon member to sign up on a brew crew.

SUNFEST- Don’t forget to sign-up to come to Sunfest! It will be the weekend of August 27th-28th at beautiful Mt. Pinos. A mere $20.00 gets you great beer, great food and a wonderful place to relax. You can sign-up on the website!

L.A. COUNTY FAIR- All L.A. county fair entries will be due in on July 15th! If you have not dropped off your entries already, there is still time. Please see the website for official details. The judging will take place on August 7th at the shop. If you would like to judge or steward, please sign-up online as well.

SURFLINER COMP- The Surfliner Adam bier Comp will be coming up against the Santa Barbeerians in August! This is our year to win it Falcons! There will be a pre-judging at the shop on July 21st. The actual date and time for Surfliner event has yet to be determined. Stay tuned!

And last but not least!!!! Congratulations to the New Grain Recipe winners!!
1st Place- Kent Fletcher for his Elkwood Brown
2nd Place-Ed Kochanowski for his Roasted Rye IPA
3rd Place-Cullen Davis for his Robust Porter

There will be no membership meeting in August as it is Sunfest time!!! See you all in September!


BMan1113VR's picture

Reenie, I might be blind, but I could not find a link to sign up for judging at the LA County Fair.

Reenie's picture

Hey BMan (whoever you may be...)
It is up now. Ed and Steve took care of that! Please sign-on in. Thanks

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