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Mild Ale

dave & Rich's Dark Mild -- "new grains"

Rich & i worked up a decently tasty dark mild and this is the adaptation using the Shop's 2011 "new grains". A moderately complex 1.040 beer that was dynamite on the hand pump!
Brew Date: 
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Express Mild

The SCHF is in 6 days. Can I get a beer ready in time?
Brew Date: 
Brewed By: 
Drew Beechum
Beer Styles: 
Brew Type: 

English Mild

I've brewed this beer many times and it has placed in every competition I have entered it in. I brew this beer twice a year because it doesn't stick around very long, it is a favorite around my house.
Brew Date: 
Brewed By: 
Craig Frump
Beer Styles: 
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2001 Oktoberfest Brew Session #1 - CDJK Mild

Our largest mass brewing event at a fest. Four teams, four semi-cobbled together breweries, one fest with a ton of beer flowing. This was the inauguration of a mild that I continue to brew to this day.
Brew Date: 
Brewed By: 
Drew Beechum, Cullen Davis, Kent Fletcher, Jim Kopitzke
Beer Styles: 
Brew Type: 

Fuddy Duddy Mild Ale

The second runnings of the Hippie Old Ale prove useful!
Brew Date: 
Brewed By: 
Cullen Davis, Jim Kopitzke, Drew Beechum
Beer Styles: 
Brew Type: 
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