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Brewer's Style Series

A Guide to Kveik Yeasts

Tasting the new hotness in yeast strains - the Norwegian Farmhouse Strains collectively known as Kveik

The new hotness in yeast is actually an old hotness in yeast. Thanks largely to the exploratory and documentary efforts of Lars M. Garshol, we've been reintroduced to traditional methods of Norweigan (and Baltic and Russian) homebrewing.

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A Guide to Saisons and Saison Yeasts

Is there any style nearly as driven by yeast as the Saison? I'd argue no, so it's important to know your options! Here's my run down of Saison strains that I've tried or seen reported (and am tracking to make sure I try)


TL;DR: Yeast is Important, Saisons need yeast, Drew has a way to ferment them - Just take me to the yeast (Also, if you have any notes, you'd like to add - just leave a comment below or hit Drew up at drew@maltosefalcons.com)

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A Saison for Every Season

My first attempt to define what makes a Saison a Saison

Here it is in all of it's glory - the original article that appeared in Zymurgy.

A Saison for Every Season

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Cullen's Witbier

BJCP Guidelines Category 16 A
Maltose Falcons Style Guidelines Category 22.1

I have been brewing Witbiers for a number of years now with very good results, drawing gold regularly in competition. This style can be hard to hit right on because it’s a game of subtlety. It has to be phenolic, but not overly so, ever so slightly tangy, just a gentle suggestion of spiciness, hazy but not murky, generously carbonated but not so much you get all head. The un-subtle parts: very crisp, very refreshing and very delicious!

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The Sal's Wee Heavy

Our beer favorites include Wee Heavy, 60, 70, and 80 shilling Scottish Ales so we try to make 2 beers when we make the Wee Heavy. The OG'S range from 1.096 down to 1.050 added depending on how much wort dilution added. Filtered, boiled and chilled San Fernando Valley water is used for dilution. Here is our recipe and procedure highlights for one of our recent Wee Heavy brews:

Recipe for 12 gallons wort:

5 gallons Wee Heavy & 7 gallons Scottish Export Ale 80 shilling:


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Sometimes inspiration comes when you’re least expecting it. The idea to brew a roggenbier came after taking the BJCP exam on January 7, 2006. One of the questions came completely out of left-field and took everyone by surprise. Describe the characteristics of a Roggenbier and give commercial examples. Huh?! Of course, it was in the study guide, but really…come on guys!!! I’m pretty sure that no one taking that test got the question right.

After that little moment of frustrated disbelief I thought – Ok, I’m going to find out about this damn beer and brew some!

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Brewing a Beer Without Hops - Gruit Ales

Gruit ales, or simply Gruits, are an ancient brew. They were brewed all over the European continent (and beyond) between 700 and 1700 AD. During that period brewers used many types of Gruit herbs for flavorings and bittering agents. The typical Gruit herbs, the three most used of the bunch are Yarrow (flowers and stems), Marsh or Wild Rosemary, and Myrica or Sweet Gale.

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Brewing A Winning Eisbock

It all started out innocently enough. Brew a tasty fall treat -- a wonderful not-quite winter warmer -- a Doppelbock. This high gravity lager should be around 8% alcohol, said I. Then I got an idea. So, come a warm March weekend, I embarked upon a six-month adventure to ultimately create an Eisbock beer.

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Brewing Dortmunder Adambier

A Dortmunder Adambier is malt dominated strong ale from Northern Germany. No one can be certain on the origin. Dortmund was one of the cities in the 14th Century Hanseatic League (along with Einbeck -- the home of Bock); the city was best known for beer and brewing. In the 19th Century, King Frederick William IV of Prussia was known as a hard drinking man. He visited Dortmund and some Adambier put him under the table for more than a whole day! With the development of lagers, this style fell out of favor among German beer drinkers, and now is very difficult to find.

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Formulating and Brewing a Winning Chocolate Porter

A good chocolate porter that delivers on its promise of silky, elegant chocolate character is fairly simple to formulate and brew, yet can be devilishly difficult to execute well. After tinkering with recipes and processes for several years, I have found a few secrets that have helped me consistently win competitions with this style (entered as a Herb/Spice beer).

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