If you want to enter the California State Homebrew Competition - register here by Friday May 2nd!
Leave a comment below telling us how many entries you have. If we have enough entries (24 or so) - the club will drive your entries to the More Beer drop off in Riverside! (Entries drop off will be coordinated off site!)
Remember Cal State is the 2nd of 3 competitions that are used to pick the "Sierra Nevada California Homebrewer of the Year".
I'll have some entries to submit. Not sure how many, maybe three (9 bottles).
I'll have 5 entries, it turns out.
I have 3 beers I can enter into this as well.
What day would these bottles to be collected to be taken up to Riverside?
I also have 2 possibly 3 to enter.
I have three beers to enter.
i have one to enter.
Hi.. any chance friends of the Falcons -- The Yeastside Brewers can get in on the drop off??
I would think so.
cool.. I will talk to our contest coodinator Josh Jensen and have him get in touch with you hopefully. It would be cool for everyone all aournd.
I'd have a beer to submit too.
Be sure to get all your beers to the shop today!
are you saying that people can drop off their beers for the CA state fair today??? Not sure if that's what you ment.
Yep! You can drop them off at the shop today, and we'll drive them down to MoreBeer tomorrow. The shop's not an official drop off point, we'll be taking club entries to Riverside for dropoff. If you want to take them to MoreBeer yourself, or ship them up to NorCal you'll have to look at their receiving and shipping schedules for details.
ok, cool, what's the latest we can drop them off tonight?? Till the shop closes? I am a member of the yeastside brewers but we are friends of the falcons of course. Is it ok to let other yeastside brewers know about this?
You can drop them off until the shop closes tonight or early tomorrow. Yeastsiders are welcome to drop theirs off at the Home Wine and Beer Shop as well! We'll be collecting them early tomorrow afternoon.
we did drop of Friday at the homebrew shop.. just i see in the email i just got from the fair they accept entry submissions starting May 9th? So are we good on when we dropped them off to you guys 5/2? Sorry.. I'm a worry wart. Thanks though. I super appreicate you guys running this over to riverside. Awesome of you