Falcons, sign up now to join the Falcons as we brew the homebrew version of the Sierra Nevada Resilience IPA Sunday, December 30,2018.
The Camp Fire–the most devastating wildfire in California’s history–has hit close to home for Sierra Nevada Brewing Co. While the Chico brewery was spared, many of Sierra Nevada’s employees, patrons and neighbors lost everything as the Camp Fire ravaged northern Californian.
The first of 4 Beer Judging Classes will be held at the Home Wine and Beer Shop on Sept. 20 at 7PM. The other classes willf be on Oct. 4, Oct. 18, and Nov. 1. We'll have 4 different guest instructors who are some of the most knowledgable beer experts in Southern Calfiornia teaching. We will also be covering most of the world beer styles, how to evaluate beer, off flavors and faults, and brewing techniques.
Figueroa Mountain Brewing will be releasing the colaboration Adambier, Deacon's Nightcap, the Maltose Falcons brewed in January.
The release party is 6PM on Tuesday, March 14. Brewer Nic invited as many as who want to go to attend. Besides the Adambier, Figueroa Mountain will have lots of other beers on tap--everything from a Czech Pilsner to a bunch of Belgians to several IPA's. Lots of choices. They also have food, so plan on eating dinner as well.
It's that time of year again when we fondly remember our compadre Doug King. Doug was a brewer's brewer - always there to lend a hand to the club or another brewer. He was also fond of experimentation and was well known for his crazy experiments (loafs of rye bread, potatoes, tortillas - all in the mash) and his love of lagers. He won the 1996 California State Fair for his Dougweiser.
The Falcons annual competition committee meeting is this Monday, Nov. 21 at 7PM. We'll be meeting at Hand Brewed Beer at 9771 Variel Ave. in Chatsworth. This is when we plan the competitions, change style guidelines, and plan judging activities for the next year. All are welcome, we need all the participation in our contests as possible.