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September Shop Brew

The September shop brew is scheduled for Sunday the 20th. I will be the brew crew leader for this one. I am planning a batch of English best bitter. Think Fuller's London Pride ale. This style is a very easy drinking session ale with a nice balance of malt and hops.
The spots for this crew will be limited to 3 as a portion of this beer is for the Falcons 35th anniversary party. I would like to try to have people on this crew who have never been part of a shop brew, and have been interested in learning the all grain brewing process.
To qualify, you must be an up to date, paid in full Maltose Falcons member. Your membership will be verified prior to being notified that you are on the brew crew. Contact me at publicity@maltosefalcons.com, and include your email address so I can respond back.
Of course anyone interested in just hanging out to watch and party with the crew is welcome to come by the Home Beer Wine and Cheese Making Shop. Just bring beer and snacks to share.
This should be a fun and informative brew day, so come on by and support your club.

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