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Club shop brew Sunday (March)

The March club shop brew has been set for Sunday the 13th. Our Vice President, Steve Cook, and his  Alewench  Irene, will be leading this brew crew. They are planning an Southern English brown ale. Think along the lines of Newcastle Brown Ale, but this will be much better.

We are calling this beer the Drink-It Down Southern Brown Ale.

You will be brewing on the club's 30 gallon all grain system at the Home Beer Wine and Cheese Making Shop. You will learn the basics of the system, and participate in all aspects of the brewing session, including clean up. Each member will take home 5 gallons of wort at a really inexpensive price to ferment at home. It is a really great deal! We also encourage crew members to bring their finished beer to a club meeting or event to compare and share with their fellow club members. It is interesting to see how different each batch turns out.

You must be an up to date, paid in full Maltose Falcons member to be on any brew crew. Your membership will be verified prior to being confirmed of a spot on the crew. The crew is limited to 6 people. You must sign up at the end of this event blog in the sign up section. No sign ups will be allowed via yahoogroups, email, etc. If you have been on a crew within the past few months, you will not be eligible to be on this crew. We are encouraging new members who are interested in learning the all grain brewing process, or those who have never been on a brew crew before to sign up. Beer and snacks are always welcome to share with the crew and others. Anyone who is interested in observing the all grain brewing process is invited to come on by to watch and party with the crew. It is a great way to spend the day.

This crew will fill up fast, so sign up now!





Reenie's picture


As I am part of the team effort on this crew, I usually don't take a share home, so be aware that there is room for

one extra brewer on our crew.  Hope to see ya there!

BClare's picture

Guess I wasn't fast enough to sign up, but I'll be there to hang out and learn

Jeff Niebaum's picture

I'm not sure if I was fast enough either... got a confirmation e-mail but since I'm new to the club I'm not sure how it all works. Can anyone confirm if I am or am not? If not I'll follow B Claire's lead be there to learn.

I signed up on 2/26 if that helps answer.



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