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BJCP Mead Class and Exam

The Maltose Falcons will be conducting a series of mead classes in January.  The primary purposes are to teach people how to evaluate mead.  We will be teaching according the the BJCP style guidelines in preparation for a BJCP Mead Exam that will be held on Feb. 6.  There will be four classes on Tuesdays at 7 PM at the Home Beer and Wine Shop.  They will be on Jan. 5, Jan 12, Jan 19, and Jan 26.  We'll be serving dozens of different meads and going into detail on honey varietals, melomels, metheglins, and other meads.  Students will learn how to judge and make meads and it will be somewhat a mead appreciation class.  The maximum number of students we can handle is 20.  You do not have to take the exam to take the class.   

On Feb. 6, I'll be administering the first ever BJCP mead exam in the Los Angeles area.  Judges who pass the exam will receive a mead endorsement (if they are existing BJCP judges) or a mead rank (if they are not part of the BJCP now).  The BJCP is only allowing 12 seats at the exam; it will fill up quickly.  There will be a waiting list and I expect some of those on that list to get seats at the exam.  You do not have to be an existing judge to take the exam or even take the class (but it is highly recommended to take the class) ; but you do need to promise that you will help judge the Maltose Falcons competitions in the future.

The cost for the BJCP class is $60 a person (honey and mead are expensive).  The cost for the exam is $50 for non-BJCP members and $30 for existing judges.  If you are interested in taking either the class or the exam (or both), email Co-Vice President John Aitchison at malty@earthlink.net.  

Event Date: 
Tuesday, January 5, 2016 - 19:00 to Saturday, February 6, 2016 - 14:00


elmer smeckert's picture

The "Event URL" link above is just the falcons home page.

Please switch it to an appropriate page.


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