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Minutes of the Maltose Falcons Membership Meeting - January 2, 2011

I thought it would be a good idea to start posting the minutes of our membership meetings for those who cannot attend on a regular basis. There are some great events coming up that I thought you should be aware of. Read on.....


The first meeting of the New Year for the Falcons was standing room only! Guess everyone was ready for a little last bit of holiday cheer. Now onto business.... GRAND HYDRO PRESENTATION Drew and John A. teamed up with a great presentation of Adambiers, which just happens to be this year’s theme for the Surfliner competition. Drew made handouts for the members and Sergei gave out a beer score sheet listing the 5 beers that were on the menu with what the style should consist of.  We had a Paulaner Salvator, coming in at 7.9%, a Redhook Eisbock which had more hop to it , coming in at 11%, then the Zum Uerige Sticke Alt (try saying that 5 times fast), which Drew said is the classic Altbier coming in at 6%, followed by a Dopplesticke at 8.9%. Last but not least, we had Hair of the Dog Adam which had more of a smoky flavor to it coming in at 10%. John and Drew stressed that those who want to enter the Surfliner should start getting the entries ready ASAP. This year, the Falcons are gonna win it!! ANCHOR, ANCHOR, ANCHOR! More news on the Anchor trip from John K. As stated before, the weekend of February 19 and 20th is Anchor time! As it stands now, the price for the bus trip will be $65.00 per person. There will be stops with sampling, of course, at Lagunitas, Bear Republic and Russian River. The bus will head out at 10:00 a.m. with Falcon beer flowing, snacks and raffles. You will need to sign-up in advance and make payment as well. John needs a head count as soon as possible so he can make the proper arrangements. There is also a possibility of heading to the Celebrator party after the bus trip. Kent will be letting people know the status of this trip as details are set down. Keep checking the web for more details. Please contact John Kaufman at activities@maltosefalcons.com if you have any questions.  Remember that you MUST be a member to attend any of these events.  DOUG KING MEMORIAL COMPETITION All entries for the Doug King Comp are due in by January 9th. There is a $5.00 fee per entry. You can get all the info on the website for entry labels, etc. The competition takes place at the Eagle Rock Brewery. Two new categories have been added this year: Imperial anything – must be above 10.80 to enter Session beers—must be below 10.40 to enter. We still also need judges and stewards for this competition. Please sign up on the website. Confirmation will be sent to you once you are signed up.     SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA HOMEBREW FEST The SCHF takes place the weekend of April 30th. You need to contact John K. regarding camping, and/or mobile home arrangements. Payment will be due at the time of signing up for your site, etc. You must be a member of the SCHF in order to attend. Membership is $35.00 till the end of January only. You can go to their website for more information. We also will be looking to all our fantastic brewers to be bringing their wares to the fest. Last year we had 45 beers pouring. We will need people to man the booth in shifts as well. More information on this will be posted on the website as we get closer to the date. We had some great brews brought in today. 18 in all. The winner was Richard Webster, with his Bourbon infused Porter. He won a set of beautiful Falcon glasses.  
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