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Big Ghost Saison

This is a big bold bugger of a Super Saison. Inspired by the idea generating factory of Fantome and using a culture of their strain grown in a batch of a smaller beer. This was a big hit at the 2011 AHA Conference.
Brewed By: 
Drew Beechum
Brew Date: 
Brew Type: 
Batch Size: 
11.0 gallons
Boil Time: 
90 minutes
Original Gravity: 
1.092 O.G.
Final Gravity: 
1.008 F.G.
52.0 IBUs
7.0 SRM

20.5 lb Pilsener
7.5 lb Munich Malt
2.0 lb White Cane Sugar
1.5 lb Flaked Oats
0.75 lb Aromatic Malt

Mashing Instructions: 

149F Saccharification Rest 60 minutes


1.8 oz Magnum (14.0%) for 90 minutes
1.0 oz Czech Saaz (3.5%) for 0 minutes


1 yeast cake from Fantome (or grow up a starter from the dregs of 2 bottles)

Special Instructions / Notes: 

Give this one some time!


BMan1113VR's picture

Sounds pretty tasty Drew. Did you get much of a lactobacillus flavor from the Fantome Dregs (I know that lacto hates higher ABV, but I know that their strain can be pretty alcohol tolerant ala Pissenlit)?

Drew Beechum's picture

No lacto.

I cheated. I got my hands on a clean culture of Fantome's Brett for use in this beer. All the funk, none of the bite. :)

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