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Falconsclaws Simplified

This is the 2016 edition of the infamous Falconsclaws recipe. The older recipes from 1999-2001 needed additional ingredients like sugars and extracts because we didn't have enough system capacity to try and hit that magically ridiculous 1.140 gravity. Seriously, it's nuts. But thanks to the club's awesome 50 gallon system, we could actually mash enough grain to make this thing happen! (Hat Tip to Kevin Baranowski for the original series of beers)D
Brew Date: 
Brewed By: 
Drew Beechum, Jim Meyer, Donovan Nebreklievski, Lyne Noella, Craig Shapland, Tom Sisolak, Matt Trumbo
Brew Type: 

Carrot Blossom Mead

Brew Date: 
Brewed By: 
John Aitchison
Brew Type: 


This was "Brew with a Falcon - Azusa" on March 22 2015 at my place. The recipe is my interpretation of Samichlaus Classic Bier and the Falconclaws. Must use the Zurich yeast (available through white labs every fall) to ferment this big of a beer. It is a lager that needs time, lots of yeast, cool fermentation and patience is a must!
Brew Date: 
Brewed By: 
Izzy and the BWAF Crew (David Sherfey, Kale Bittner and Eric Mendoza)
Brew Type: 

Tangerine Tupelo Melomel

Wanted to brew a semi-sweet mead, using Tupelo honey and tangerine juice. We have a mature tangerine tree in our back yard, and it is prolific. Last year we couldn't keep up with the fruit, so I juiced and froze a bunch: ten pounds of juice. It measured 17 brix on my refractometer. Finally got around to making the mead this month. It fermented almost 3 weeks in primary, at 65F, and is now ready to rack to secondary. I tasted it, and it tastes like high octane Tang! It is a cloudy, pale orange in color now, but should clear nicely after I ignore it for 6 months in secondary. There's both tangerine and honey aromatics a plenty right now.
Brew Date: 
Brewed By: 
Rich, with help from Old Jim
Beer Styles: 

Watermelon & Mint Sparkling Fresca

For the fifth annual LA Beer Week Festival, Cullen and Drew of the Falcons and Kip Barnes of LA Ale Works, poured a collection of sodas for the crowd as palate restoratives. This was Drew's based on a classic Agua Fresca.
Brew Date: 
Brewed By: 
Drew Beechum
Beer Styles: 
Brew Type: 

Mexican Xmas

2nd Version of this Mexican hot chocolate (champurrado)inspired milk stout for xmas.
Brew Date: 
Brewed By: 
The Izzy
Brew Type: 

Beaver Tail Melomel

Prickly pear melomel
Brew Date: 
Brewed By: 
Good old Rich & OJ
Beer Styles: 
Brew Type: 

Szechuan Cherry Tonic

Another year, another LA Beer Week Festival and this time, we brought a "soda bar". Folks from Pacific Gravity and Strand Brewers joined us to pour a set of refreshers for the crowd.
Brew Date: 
Brewed By: 
Drew Beechum
Beer Styles: 
Brew Type: 

Oatmeal Raisin Cookie Celebration Ale

A beer brewed in celebration of Drew's dog's recovery from spinal surgery. A beer that should be sweet, spicy and tasty with oats galore and rum soaked raisins.
Brew Date: 
Brewed By: 
Nicholai Abrahamson, Drew Beechum, Michael Grynick, Kent Fletcher, Chris Moon, Rob Nakashian
Beer Styles: 
Brew Type: 

Saison for the Bee Keepers

This is more of a story about the brewing of a beer than anything else. My original brew partner (Daniel) has had two children since we first started brewing five years ago, so we rarely get to brew together. This was a rare event to be able to brew alone like we used to. The brew day started off perfectly, the weather was warm and there bees were flying around. We decided to brew a Saison for the fall to capture the perfect warm fall day. We were mashed in and were cleaning as we went, when Daniel suddenly screamed and found a bee up his pant leg. The bee stung him and I laughed as I asked if he was allergic. He said he wasn't but that all changed quickly... Fifteen minutes later he turned to me with his face swollen to twice the normal size. He quickly headed over to the drug store for Benadryl. He returned a few minutes later with the pills and took a few, chasing them with a little beer. All seemed fine until he fell out of his chair onto the floor nearly unconscious. After calling his wife, my girlfriend, and a doctor, we headed over to the ER, but not before I stopped recurring the wort and set up to mash out. After a short wait in the waiting room and 2 hours with a doctor, we found out Daniel had developed a deadly Bee allergy. After a life time of being a hobbyist bee keeper he had lost all resistance to bee stings. After the ER and a day of panic we returned back to my house to finish the beer. To always remember his near death experience, we added the dead bee to the mash-out and a small amount of honey to the wort.
Brew Date: 
Brewed By: 
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