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Izzy's Wheat Wine

Every year on my birthday I brew up a Barley-wine, but then have to wait several months to drink it, way after my birthday. So, this year I brewed a Wheat-wine (Barley-wine with a large proportion of wheat) six months before the date to make sure it was done in time. It was done nice and early…too bad it didn’t last! I heard the term “Wheat Wine” thrown around, so I did some research on the topic/style. The best resource I found was “Brewing with Wheat” by Stan Hieronymus. Chapter 11 is entirely on the subject, and titled Two Recipes for Wheat Wine (pgs. 141-145). It’s a fun “Style” in progress, so feel free to do what you want with the recipe: Ferment with any yeast or different types of Wheat Malt… Also, Wheat-wines will age differently and quicker then normal barley-wines… probably because of the wheat!
Brewed By: 
Israel Arrieta
Brew Date: 
Brew Type: 
Beer Styles: 
Recipe Category: 
Batch Size: 
5.0 gallons
Boil Time: 
240 minutes
Original Gravity: 
1.110 O.G.
Final Gravity: 
1.010 F.G.
13.3% ABV
80.3 IBUs
10.7 SRM

10 lbs German Wheat Malt Light
10 lbs Pilsen Malt
.5 lbs Carawheat
.5 lbs Wheat Flakes
.5 lbs Winter Red Wheat Berries
.5 lbs Honey Malt

Mashing Instructions: 

Saccharification Rest @ 155 60.0 min

In reality I mashed in, drank too much and mashed out four hours later... I meant to do a second runnings beer but ended up collecting all the runnings in one pot and had to boil down for four hours to get my five gallons! Not recommended - it turns into a 22 hour brew day.


1.5 oz Centennial (8.7%) - added during boil, boiled 90 min
1 oz Amarillo (8.6%) - added during boil, boiled 30 min
1 oz Cascade (5.5%) - added during boil, boiled 10 min

Extra Ingredients: 



1 pack of Fermentis S-04 Safale S-04
1 pack of Fermentis US-05 Safale US-05

Direct pitch, no starter, no re-hydration - fermented out in 4-5 days!!!

Special Instructions / Notes: 

Try a Belgian Yeast or English Hops!

I ran out of Two-row malt and substitute in Pilsner malt; try domestic Two Row or Marris Otter!?!

I attached my original notes in BeerTools. Enjoy!

Binary Data Wheat Wine.btp29.12 KB


Drew Beechum's picture


dandbrew's picture

Drew... how was the wheat wine?  If you could do it over again, any changes?  Bitterness, balance, color, etc?

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