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Experimental and Specialty Beer, Other

Falconsclaws Simplified

This is the 2016 edition of the infamous Falconsclaws recipe. The older recipes from 1999-2001 needed additional ingredients like sugars and extracts because we didn't have enough system capacity to try and hit that magically ridiculous 1.140 gravity. Seriously, it's nuts. But thanks to the club's awesome 50 gallon system, we could actually mash enough grain to make this thing happen! (Hat Tip to Kevin Baranowski for the original series of beers)D
Brew Date: 
Brewed By: 
Drew Beechum, Jim Meyer, Donovan Nebreklievski, Lyne Noella, Craig Shapland, Tom Sisolak, Matt Trumbo
Brew Type: 


This was "Brew with a Falcon - Azusa" on March 22 2015 at my place. The recipe is my interpretation of Samichlaus Classic Bier and the Falconclaws. Must use the Zurich yeast (available through white labs every fall) to ferment this big of a beer. It is a lager that needs time, lots of yeast, cool fermentation and patience is a must!
Brew Date: 
Brewed By: 
Izzy and the BWAF Crew (David Sherfey, Kale Bittner and Eric Mendoza)
Brew Type: 

Mexican Xmas

2nd Version of this Mexican hot chocolate (champurrado)inspired milk stout for xmas.
Brew Date: 
Brewed By: 
The Izzy
Brew Type: 

Oceanside Rye IPA / Yorkshire Lad Rye

Another split batch of beer to provide cannon fodder for the SCHF. The Oceanside proved to be very popular with a sweet flavor from the large dose of Citra in the finish.
Brew Date: 
Brewed By: 
Drew Beechum
Brew Type: 

King Leopold's Ghost

This is one of my favorite and personal recipe, I've brewed a version of this beer every year since 2006. This was the last beer I brewed for 2011 on 11-11-11 around 11pm. This version of my "Imperial Porter" was used "Beanie's Double Smoked Bourbon" custom malt.
Brew Date: 
Brewed By: 
Brew Type: 

Y'allternative Oatwine

The alternative barleywine series returns! Taking advantage of the Shop now carrying Thomas Fawcett Oat Malt, we bring you some oaty goodness. And since I'm an old school movie fan we made this an "oater" with the addition of a heaping helping of Amarillo.
Brew Date: 
Brewed By: 
Drew Beechum, Robert Cortez, Kent Fletcher, Larry Gonzales, Ryan Moriarty, Chris Shultz
Brew Type: 

Falcon's Gyre

A new hop blend was released in honor of fallen brewer Glen Falconer. The American blend is oriented toward west pales and IPAs, so who am I to argue? This one is a Rye IPA.
Brew Date: 
Brewed By: 
Drew Beechum
Brew Type: 

Caledonian Saison

It's all the rage with music so let's play Beer Mashup. This Shop Brew combined the basic malt bill of a strong Scotch Ale with the yeasts and techniques of Belgium.
Brew Date: 
Brewed By: 
Drew Beechum and the Shop Crew
Brew Type: 

Coffee & Cream Stout

This is the third variation on a coffee stout. My first attempt was my 2nd brew ever. After the Drew Carey show introduced "Buzz Beer", I attempted my second batch. I have always been proud of this brew, and have tweaked the recipe over the years. The short cold soak of the coffee will assure great flavor but control the heavy roasted astringency. This recipe was chosen for the 2nd round of Sam Adam's Longshot competition.
Brew Date: 
Brewed By: 
Mark Poliner
Brew Type: 

Falconsclaws 2001

3rd Shot at the big beer.
Brew Date: 
Brewed By: 
Kevin Baranowski
Brew Type: 


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