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Falconsclaws 2001

3rd Shot at the big beer.
Brewed By: 
Kevin Baranowski
Brew Date: 
Brew Type: 
Batch Size: 
5.0 gallons
Boil Time: 
90 minutes
Original Gravity: 
1.139 O.G.
31.8 IBUs
22.9 SRM

28.75 lbs Weyermann Pilsner Malt
1.5 lbs Weyermann Crystal 65L
1.5 lbs Briess Munich Malt
1.0 lbs Briess Vienna Malt
0.5 lbs Briess Melanoidin Malt
1.0 lbs Dark Candy Sugar

Mashing Instructions: 

Mash In 124 F 30 minutes Infusion 36.3 Qts
Sac Rest 154 F 60 minutes Direct


1.75 oz Styrian Goldings Pellet 4.0% 60 minutes
1.50 oz Hallertauer Mittelfruh Pellet 3.8% 15 minutes
0.50 oz Hallertau Hersbrucker Whole 2.3% 2 minutes


White Labs 885 Zurich Lager Liquid Lager

Special Instructions / Notes: 

No-Sparge Batch. First runnings only into boil kettle.
Candi Sugar added for last 0 minutes of boil
Target Release Date: 12/02
Second Runnings (~6 gallons) collected to make Second Dunkel
Yeast was grown up in a batch of schwarzbier

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