9 lbs. Carrot Blossom Honey (from Flying Bee Ranch)
Heat honey jar in hot water so it will pour easily. Bring 1/2 gal. high alkaline water to boil and turn off stove. Slowly add the honey to the water stirring constantly. Honey-water mixture should be around 130 degrees. Cover and let it sit for 20 minutes. After 20 minutes, put covered pan in tub of cold water for half-hour. Add 1 gallon cold water to carboy. Pour honey-water mixture on top of the cold water. Add more water until you get to 1.120 OG.
2 tsp. of generic yeast nutrient and 1 tsp. of Fermaid-K divided into four parts.
White Labs Sweet Mead yeast slurry from another mead.
Add 1/4 of the nutrient mix on brew day, on day 2, day 4, and day 8. Keep fermentation temperature between 64 and 68 degrees. Rack to secondary fermenter after a month. After first month, temperature control not as critical. Mead should be finished in 3-4 months. Carrot Blossom mead normally needs mead acid blend--add it to taste before bottling or kegging. Carrot Blossom honey is full of caramel like complex sugars that linger into the mead.