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Class 10 West Coast Beers

Hop Harvest Ale

For the September '15 shop brew session, I contacted a friend who had a small hop yard and he brought up a shipment of some dried and some freshly harvested hops to use for this brew. I created a recipe for a rich amber ale that uses these fresh hops in the finishing stages to maximize aroma contribution and because we didn't have lab numbers for alpha acids or cohumulone.
Brew Date: 
Brewed By: 
Cullen Davis and shop brew crew with Rafael Ramos, hop grower
Brew Type: 

Oho! Orange Honey Red Ale

This unique red ale is the inspiration of Cookie Kaplan my assistant brewer as well as my every day honey. Speaking of honey that was a big part of the inception of this brew. The Orange Blossom honey in this red ale spurred us on to add a couple of cups of crushed Valencia Oranges. Both the honey and the oranges went into the boil at flame out to preserve more of the flavor and aroma. It turned out as a medium hopped red ale with a slight orange flavor and aroma as well as a distinct honey presence, not actual honey flavor but a sweetness that complements the malt flavors. It was good enough to win the Best of Meeting award at the December 2011 Club meeting.
Brew Date: 
Brewed By: 
Steve Cook & Cookie Kaplan
Brew Type: 

Big Red A.S.S.

Dark red with a touch of spice and roast, hopped to hell and back, this beer would have been my entry in the "new grains" contest. As it turned out, I couldn't get off of work for that particular meeting, so I had to drink all 5 gallons myself! Actually, I did bring a growler to the July shop brew/LACF check-in, where it was well-received.
Brew Date: 
Brewed By: 
Jim McGowan
Brew Type: 

Summer Even Bloodier Summer Ale

No blood spilt this time through (or lost fingers), this is an updated batch based off remnant notes from the first time through. Plenty of bright American hop character with the zest of orange and tangerine to boost the citrus tone.
Brew Date: 
Brewed By: 
Drew Beechum

Hell Imperial Pilsner

The actual final product of the decoction session. Notice we only gather half as much as we intended.
Brew Date: 
Brewed By: 
John Aitchison, Tamara, Mike Geyser, Cullen Davis, Jim Kopitzke, Drew Beechum
Beer Styles: 
Brew Type: 
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