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Class 2 European Pale Lager

Czech Amber Lager

Brew Date: 
Beer Styles: 
Brew Type: 

Cordesbrau German Pilsner

This is a recipe that I've been working on for a few years now with only minor tweaks between batches. This particular recipe was used during the Brew with a Falcon event at my place on 3/22/2015.
Brew Date: 
Brewed By: 
Dana, Royston, Marco, Dave Uhl, Tom S, Eric and Jerry
Beer Styles: 
Brew Type: 

Heaven Bohemian Pilsner

The intended product of a massive decoction brew done on the shop system.
Brew Date: 
Brewed By: 
John Aitchison, Tamara, Mike Geyser, Cullen Davis, Jim Kopitzke, Drew Beechum
Beer Styles: 
Brew Type: 

Schutzen Lite Lager

The last Shop Brew wrangled by Doug King and the first shop brew for the webmaster.
Brew Date: 
Brewed By: 
Doug King, Drew Beechum, Cullen Davis, Mick Deering, Jim Kopitzke, Mark Poliner
Brew Type: 
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