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Class 6 Scottish and Irish Ales

ScotchBrewman - AKA November Club Brew

Here is the November Shop brew scaled down to a 5-Gallon batch. It is a Strong Scotch Ale, which is also known as a "Wee-Heavy" and my favorite style of beer. The ingredients used in this brew are not traditionally Scottish, but they fit the flavor profile well. The hopping schedule utilize the Northern Brewer hop variety to bring an earthiness to the beer. There are smoked malts in this recipe even though it is often debated whether or not these flavors and aromas are part of a traditional Wee Heavy, but I like them so this is what you get!
Brew Date: 
Brewed By: 
Maltose Falcons November Brew Crew
Brew Type: 

Glen Heather Scottish Export

I got the idea for this beer after reading the book Sacred and Herbal Healing Beers, and the Scottish heather beer Froach. This beer is malty with a pleasing bitterness, and a spicy/fruity floral aroma from the dried heather flowers. It is one of the favorites I rotate on tap at home.
Brew Date: 
Brewed By: 
Diane Van Wagner
Brew Type: 

End of the Rainbow Irish Red

This was originally brewed for the 2010 April shop brew. I brewed up a second batch a couple of months later at home. This beer won Best of Show at the 2010 Octoberfest Competition. It is very malty with mild bitterness and little hop flavor or aroma. It has a pleasing red color from the small addition of roasted barley added to the grist.
Brew Date: 
Brewed By: 
Diane Van Wagner
Beer Styles: 
Brew Type: 

Wee Heavy, no sparge and 60 shilling small beer

This was my first brew on the old shop system. I had experimented with different historical techniques. Most of my inspiration was from Cindy Renfrow's book "A Sip Through Time" and several "Brewing Techniques" magazine articles. My initial calculations suggest I was going to get a smaller second runnings beer, but was pleasantly surprised to get two substantial beers. This is an ancient technique whee the brewer can obtain multiple beers from the same grain, thus conserving resources. For additional resources, please use the link below: http://www.brewingtechniques.com/library/backissues/issue2.2/mosher.html
Brew Date: 
Brewed By: 
Mark Poliner
Brew Type: 

Caledonian Saison

It's all the rage with music so let's play Beer Mashup. This Shop Brew combined the basic malt bill of a strong Scotch Ale with the yeasts and techniques of Belgium.
Brew Date: 
Brewed By: 
Drew Beechum and the Shop Crew
Brew Type: 

Scottish Double Batch

Mark Poliner led this big Scottish brew
Brew Date: 
Brewed By: 
Mark Poliner
Brew Type: 
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