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Vice President

BJCP Class #2

Come get ready to get your judging on!

This is the first in a series of 5 classes that will prepare you for the BJCP Exam in Late May.

This is serious business and will run from 7PM-10PM at the Home Beer Wine Cheesemaking Shop

Class fee is $70 and covers class materials, beers and the test. If you end up not taking the test, a portion of your funds will be refunded to you.

A note from John Aitchison about the class:

Board Roles: 

BJCP Class - Final Sign-Ups

* Attention * Attention * Attention *

Sign-Up ASAP - Classes start next week!!

Come get ready to get your judging on!

This is the first in a series of 5 classes that will prepare you for the BJCP Exam in Late May.

This is serious business and will run from 7PM-10PM at the Home Beer Wine Cheesemaking Shop

Class fee is $70 and covers class materials, beers and the test. If you end up not taking the test, a portion of your funds will be refunded to you.

A note from John Aitchison about the class:

Board Roles: 

2011 Mayfaire Regional Homebrew Competition Rules

  1. The Maltose Falcons' Mayfaire is an BJCP-sanctioned homebrew competition open to all homebrewers.
Board Roles: 

2010 Style Guidelines

Here are the various forms of our 2010 Guidelines. Included are the regular guidelines and pagniated guidelines.

New Style Changes:

  •  Stouts are now collapsed to one category
  • American Blonde Ale
  • Belgian Blonde Ale
  • Black IPA
  • Belgian "Wild Ales"
  • Wood Aged Beers


Board Roles: 

America's Finest City Homebrew Competition

Since QUAFF doesn't post the entry instructions until you actually register an entry, I thought I'd post them here for convenience, and to encourage Falcons to enter their beers. Event Dates are for the judging - entried aredue at Alesmith on Wednesday, February 10.     Fletch America's Finest City
Homebrew Competition 2010


February 19 & 20, 2010, San Diego, CA.

Hosted by QUAFF
Quality Ale & Fermentation Fraternity



Board Roles: 
Event Types: 

2012 Doug King Memorial Competition Rules

2012 Doug King Memorial Competition Rules

  1. The Maltose Falcons' Doug King Memorial Competition is an BJCP-sanctioned homebrew competition open to all homebrewers.
Board Roles: 

2007 Falcons Style Guidelines

Here are the various forms of our 2007 Guidelines. Included are the regular guidelines, pagniated guidelines and a summary sheet.


Board Roles: 

November Homebrew 101

 Come join the club and learn the basics of homebrewing with the experts - Kent Fletcher and Nancy Gold will take you through the brewing process and help you learn what you need for a 5 gallon batch.

In the event of Rain, we may cancel the event.

Board Roles: 


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