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dave & Rich's Dark Mild -- "new grains"

Rich & i worked up a decently tasty dark mild and this is the adaptation using the Shop's 2011 "new grains". A moderately complex 1.040 beer that was dynamite on the hand pump!
Brew Date: 
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Little Ghost Saison

This was the "starter" Saison that I brewed to generate my yeast cakes for the "Big Ghost". Don't discount this little guy, he's a keeper.
Brew Date: 
Brewed By: 
Drew Beechum
Brew Type: 

Saison Guacamole

This was another of the giant collection of "California Saisons" that I made for my 2011 AHA talk and Club Night. Awesomely weird and inspired by the Avocado trees in my backyard. I know this sounds strange, but it really works!
Brew Date: 
Brewed By: 
Drew Beechum
Brew Type: 

Big Ghost Saison

This is a big bold bugger of a Super Saison. Inspired by the idea generating factory of Fantome and using a culture of their strain grown in a batch of a smaller beer. This was a big hit at the 2011 AHA Conference.
Brew Date: 
Brewed By: 
Drew Beechum
Brew Type: 

Express Mild

The SCHF is in 6 days. Can I get a beer ready in time?
Brew Date: 
Brewed By: 
Drew Beechum
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Izzy's Wheat Wine

Every year on my birthday I brew up a Barley-wine, but then have to wait several months to drink it, way after my birthday. So, this year I brewed a Wheat-wine (Barley-wine with a large proportion of wheat) six months before the date to make sure it was done in time. It was done nice and early…too bad it didn’t last! I heard the term “Wheat Wine” thrown around, so I did some research on the topic/style. The best resource I found was “Brewing with Wheat” by Stan Hieronymus. Chapter 11 is entirely on the subject, and titled Two Recipes for Wheat Wine (pgs. 141-145). It’s a fun “Style” in progress, so feel free to do what you want with the recipe: Ferment with any yeast or different types of Wheat Malt… Also, Wheat-wines will age differently and quicker then normal barley-wines… probably because of the wheat!
Brew Date: 
Brewed By: 
Israel Arrieta
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Chipotle Porter

I have been brewing chili beers for the last 18 years. My first chili beer took 3rd at a home brew competition. Many types of chilies can be used, fresh or dried. Depending on the type and amount used will determine how much of a bite the beer will have. The smokiness of the chipotles will complement the base porter recipe. Enjoy with BBQ, burgers, or spicy Oriental foods.
Brew Date: 
Brewed By: 
Mark Poliner, Kent Fletcher, Patrick Matthews, Adam Guant, Deanne Davis, Anthony Bautista
Brew Type: 

Golden Goblet Gruit Ale

Gruit ales are an ancient brew, that were and are made without hops, instead they would use herbs. Gruits were brewed all over the European continent between 700 and 1700 AD. The typical Gruit herbs, the three most used were, Yarrow (flowers and stems), Marsh or Wild Rosemary, and Myrica or Sweet Gale. The main reason that the Gruit Herbs were replaced by hops in brewing was that hops were a better antiseptic, meaning that they retarded the growth of bacteria and preserved the ale longer then the herbs did. Remember that there was no refrigeration in those days and a batch of brew would last only so long with just alcohol and the herbs or even the hops to prevent spoilage. The other very significant difference between hops and Gruit herbs is that the hops have a sedative value to them (they make you sleepy) and the Gruit herbs have psychoactive properties that wake you up. That is why we always heard the tales that during the renaissance they would have great bawdy parties for days on end (wait, that’s what the Falcons do, never mind). This Gruit won the Gold medal at the 2011 Doug King Memorial Competition as well as coming in 1st runners up to Best of Show in that Comp. I think this was the best Gruit that I have ever brewed and I have brewed 21 of them.
Brew Date: 
Brewed By: 
Steve Cook, Cookie Kaplan, Nicolai Abramson
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Falcon's Gyre

A new hop blend was released in honor of fallen brewer Glen Falconer. The American blend is oriented toward west pales and IPAs, so who am I to argue? This one is a Rye IPA.
Brew Date: 
Brewed By: 
Drew Beechum
Brew Type: 


Brew Date: 
Brewed By: 
John Aitchison, Bill Heath, John Rasmussen, Chris Moon
Beer Styles: 
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