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Falcons Competitions

Black Bird

This is my Baltic Porter for the Maltose Falcons 40th Anniversary Party. Its a simplified version of my Bigger Baltic Porter recipe but keeping to the essences of the style. Gold Medal at 2014 Doug King Memorial Competition for Class 14 Northern European Strong Beers
Brew Date: 
Brewed By: 
Israel "Izzy" Arrieta
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Board Rye Barrel Barleywine

A classic, big bad barleywine brewed by the the Falcons Board members in 25 gallon batches. The first two batches were brewed in the end of 2010 to fill a fresh Rye Whiskey Barrel from Heaven Hill Distillery. Our friend Pat Rue of the Bruery in Placentia was instrumental in helping us to obtain this great barrel. Since its initial filling, the barrel has had portions drawn off for the 2011 and 2012 AHA Conferences (San Diego and Seattle), the So Cal Homebrew Fest, and Falcon fests. It has been refilled (25 gallons at a time) three times since then (as of February 2013, with another 25 gallons fermenting.
Brew Date: 
Brewed By: 
The Board
Beer Styles: 
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Food Not Bombs Dubbel

Michael Izbicki's Dubbel came close to the bird with his Dubbel, placing as the First Runner-up. Mike takes the monk thing seriously running a group at UC Riverside called "Food Not Bombs" to make free lunches for students. See the notes for more information
Brew Date: 
Brewed By: 
Michael Izbicki
Beer Styles: 
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Elkwood Brown

This is a hoppy American Brown Ale. I recently revised the recipe to make use of some of the "New Grains" being stocked at the Home Beer, Wine and Cheese Shop, and it won the little New Grains Recipe Contest we had this summer. It also took a first place in the L.A. County Fair.
Brew Date: 
Brewed By: 
Fletch, aka Brewgyver
Beer Styles: 
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Golden Goblet Gruit Ale

Gruit ales are an ancient brew, that were and are made without hops, instead they would use herbs. Gruits were brewed all over the European continent between 700 and 1700 AD. The typical Gruit herbs, the three most used were, Yarrow (flowers and stems), Marsh or Wild Rosemary, and Myrica or Sweet Gale. The main reason that the Gruit Herbs were replaced by hops in brewing was that hops were a better antiseptic, meaning that they retarded the growth of bacteria and preserved the ale longer then the herbs did. Remember that there was no refrigeration in those days and a batch of brew would last only so long with just alcohol and the herbs or even the hops to prevent spoilage. The other very significant difference between hops and Gruit herbs is that the hops have a sedative value to them (they make you sleepy) and the Gruit herbs have psychoactive properties that wake you up. That is why we always heard the tales that during the renaissance they would have great bawdy parties for days on end (wait, that’s what the Falcons do, never mind). This Gruit won the Gold medal at the 2011 Doug King Memorial Competition as well as coming in 1st runners up to Best of Show in that Comp. I think this was the best Gruit that I have ever brewed and I have brewed 21 of them.
Brew Date: 
Brewed By: 
Steve Cook, Cookie Kaplan, Nicolai Abramson
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Brew Date: 
Brewed By: 
John Aitchison, Bill Heath, John Rasmussen, Chris Moon
Beer Styles: 
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End of the Rainbow Irish Red

This was originally brewed for the 2010 April shop brew. I brewed up a second batch a couple of months later at home. This beer won Best of Show at the 2010 Octoberfest Competition. It is very malty with mild bitterness and little hop flavor or aroma. It has a pleasing red color from the small addition of roasted barley added to the grist.
Brew Date: 
Brewed By: 
Diane Van Wagner
Beer Styles: 
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Budweiser clone, recipe formulated by Doug King. Why make a homebrew that tastes like Budweiser you ask? Valid question my frend and heres the answer. The challenge. This beer is difficult to make because of the double mash going on at the same time. (the rice and the grain) Pain in the arse! Keg's of this beer go quick.
Brew Date: 
Brewed By: 
Rick Burnside
Brew Type: 

Ball-A-Holic Hefe

This is a traditional Bavarian Hefeweizen with the malt and hops perfectly balanced and backed with a banana and clove aroma and flavor that is the signature of this style. I have brewed over 20 Hefes and experimented with different mash schedules, yeasts, decoction procedures, malts, hops, you name it. I think I’ve tried and will continue to try to perfect the best German Hefeweizen I can and have to say that this beer winning the Mayfaire Competition, Best of Show in 2010, is a feat that will be hard to top with this beer or with any other.
Brew Date: 
Brewed By: 
Steve Cook and Cookie Kaplan
Beer Styles: 
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Mike Riddel's Tripel Trouble

Winner - Best of Show for the 2001 Mayfaire from Mike Riddle of Napa, CA
Brew Date: 
Brewed By: 
Mike Riddle, Jonathan Deeds
Beer Styles: 
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