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Brew Session

September Brewing 101 Class

Come to the Home Beer Wine Cheesmaking Shop and learn how to make your first extract batch from the pros!

Everyone's welcome to stop by this quick evening class. Bring a brew to share or just bring yourself.

Cost is $5 and is applicable to your membership in the Falcons

Board Roles: 

September Shop Brew

The September shop brew is scheduled for Sunday the 20th. I will be the brew crew leader for this one. I am planning a batch of English best bitter. Think Fuller's London Pride ale. This style is a very easy drinking session ale with a nice balance of malt and hops.
The spots for this crew will be limited to 3 as a portion of this beer is for the Falcons 35th anniversary party. I would like to try to have people on this crew who have never been part of a shop brew, and have been interested in learning the all grain brewing process.

Board Roles: 
Event Types: 

July Homebrew 101 - Beginning Extract Class

Come down to the Shop for a quick evening class in how to make the best extract beer you can. Cost is $5 with a $5 credit to your membership to the Falcons.


Board Roles: 
Event Types: 

July Shop Brew - Cream Ale

Come on down to the Shop and join Dave Lustig and crew in making a Cream Ale. For extra fun in the summer sun, Dave and company will be doing a traditional American Cereal mash to convert the corn before the mashing finished.


To get involved email Diane, the Publicity Chair - publicity@maltosefalcons.com

Board Roles: 
Event Types: 


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