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Brew Session

January Club Shop Brew Session - English Brown with Steve and Irene

Falcons, sign up now for the January Club Shop Brew Session Sunday, Jan. 17 as Steve Cook and Irene "Cookie" lead the crew in making "Drink It Down Southern Brown," a Southern English Brown Ale. Knowing Steve, it may well turn out to be an Imperial Southern English Brown, or some other 1.100 + OG over-achiever. Either way, this will be a delicious beer and a terrific, fun brew day.  

Board Roles: 
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December Club Shop Brew Session - Belgian Blonde!

Falcons, sign up now for the December Club Shop Brew Session Sunday, Dec. 20 as Alex Samovitz, Brewer at the brand new Westlake Brewing Co. and Chris Moon lead the crew in making a Belgian Blonde Ale. Alex will provide fresh yeast for everyone from his brewery. They will also be making the Belgian candi sugar, so fun and education will abound! 

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November 2015 Club Shop Brew Session - Fletch's Big Holiday Ale!

Falcons, sign up now for the November Club Shop Brew Session Sunday, Nov. 22 as Falcons Board Member Kent Fletcher leads the crew in making a big holiday ale. Kent is the original Brewgyver, and built the Club's system, so you'll be learning from the Kung Fu Master and make a wonderful winter warmer to drink by the fire this winter, as the mercury dips to 75 degrees in L.A.  

Sunday, Nov. 22
8:00 am
Home Beer Wine and Cheese Making Shop
22836 Ventura Blvd, Woodland Hills

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October Club Shop Brew - American Pale Ale with Andy Ziskin

Falcons, sign up now for the October Club Shop Brew Session Sunday, Oct. 25, as our new Board Member and Newsletter Editor Andy Ziskin leads the crew in making an American Pale Ale. Andy is an award-winning homebrewer, and a damn good guy, so you'll benefit from his experience and skills, and have a great day! 

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Sept. Club Shop Brew Session - Hop Harvest Amber Ale with Cullen

Falcons, sign up now for the September Club Shop Brew Session Sunday, Sept. 27, as club Prez Cullen Davis leads the crew in a very special brew. Seems Cullen has a friend with a hop farm, and has access to wads of hops that are just now being harvested, so this is a rare chance to brew a wet hop beer. 

Hops are the seed cones of Humulus lupulus, and they're very delicate flowers. They don't survive long after being cut, which is why almost all hops used by brewers are dried immediately after harvest, and/or turned into pellets to preserve the valuable oils and resins that add so much flavor and character to beer.

In 1996, the brewmaster of Sierra Nevada, Steve Dresler, learned of a European tradition of brewing a special seasonal beer with just-harvested green hops and started making Northern Hemisphere Harvest Ale, which Sierra Nevada now brews every fall. Craft breweries across the nation have followed suit, including Deschutes in Oregon, Sixpoint in Brooklyn, and Surly in Minnesota. 

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August Club Shop Brew - Sour Beer!

Falcons, save the date and pucker up, because for the August Club Shop Brew Session, you'll be brewing a sour beer led by Sour Patch Kid John Aitchison. John will also lead the Falcons' 2nd Annual Sour Beer tasting during the brew day, starting about 12 PM, which is open to all comers, not just the Brew Crew.

You'll be tasting commercial and homebrewed Lambics, Flanders Reds/Browns, Berliner Weiss, and Wild Ales, so come on down, get sour and funky and demolish your palate while expanding your knowledge of this increasingly popular, never dull beer category. 

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July Club Shop Brew Session - Belgian Golden Strong with Tiffany & Merlin!

Falcons, sign up now for the next Club Shop Brew Session on SATURDAY, July 25, with Boardmember/Burgerfrau Tiffany Ashrafi and Ryan "The Wizard" Merlin leading the crew in a Belgian Golden Strong. This is the first time for both Tiffany and Ryan leading a Club Shop Brew, and it's a rare Saturday brew session, so get your spot!duvel1.jpg


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May Club Shop Brew Session - Nancy's IPA!

Falcons, get ready for the next Club Shop Brew Session on Sunday, May 24, as former club President and all around great Falcon Nancy Gold leads the crew in brewing her kickass IPA! Yes folks, this is the club brew session you've all been secretly waiting for (or opening campaigning for). 

Sunday, May 24
8:00 am

Home Beer Wine and Cheese Making Shop
22836 Ventura Blvd, Woodland Hills

Board Roles: 
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April Club Shop Brew Session - Kolsch!

Falcons, get ready for the next Club Shop Brew Session on Sunday, April 19, as Kale Bittner leads the crew in brewing a Kolsch! 

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Brew with a Falcon - Azusa

Izzy is going to be brewing up a 10 gallon clone of Samiclaus! Izzy will also be demonstrating how to be ecological friendly with water use and composting. Plus, it's Izzy brewing a big damn beer. C'mon!

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