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Beer Recipes By Category

Recipes on this page are sorted by the special category they belong to. Recipes may appear more than once!

AHA Conference Brew

John's Westvleteren 12 Clone Posted: 12/12/2012
Saison Guacamole Posted: 06/20/2011

Alternative Barleywine Series

Izzy-Claus Posted: 03/29/2015
Y'allternative Oatwine Posted: 07/26/2011

Anniversary Brew

25th Anniversary IPA Posted: 02/01/2000
Black Bird Posted: 02/10/2014
Top Forty Old Ale Posted: 11/26/2013

Award Winning Brew

25th Anniversary IPA Posted: 02/01/2000
Agave Mead Posted: 04/01/2000
Black Bird Posted: 02/10/2014
Bloody Head Stout Posted: 03/15/2011
C&R Barleywine Posted: 01/05/2015
Coffee & Cream Stout Posted: 03/14/2011
Dougweiser Posted: 03/24/2011
Elkwood Brown Posted: 09/20/2011
Elkwood Wheat Posted: 03/14/2011
English Mild Posted: 03/30/2011
Food Not Bombs Dubbel Posted: 05/29/2012
Lion's Share | Strong Ale Posted: 08/15/2013
Mike Riddel's Tripel Trouble Posted: 04/01/2001
Old Smokey Barleywine Posted: 03/01/2000
Quad Berry Melomel Posted: 06/03/2015
Tempting Fate Posted: 03/23/2011

Classic Falcon Recipe

25th Anniversary IPA Posted: 02/01/2000
Dougweiser Posted: 03/24/2011
Falconsclaws Simplified Posted: 01/16/2017
Old Smokey Barleywine Posted: 03/01/2000
West of the Nest 12 Posted: 04/12/2016

Club Brew

5 Malt Lager Posted: 09/01/2000
April Wheat Posted: 04/01/2001
Black Rye IPA Posted: 07/25/2012
Caledonian Saison Posted: 03/15/2011
Century Club Barleywine Posted: 02/18/2013
Chipotle Porter Posted: 04/10/2011
Citra Double IPA Posted: 04/01/2015
Cordesbrau German Pilsner Posted: 04/01/2015
Czech Amber Lager Posted: 04/12/2016
Dougweiser Posted: 03/24/2011
Drew's 45 IPA Posted: 04/25/2019
Falcon Noel Douze Posted: 03/11/2013
Falconsclaws Posted: 12/06/1999
Falconsclaws 2000 Posted: 12/06/2000
Falconsclaws 2001 Posted: 12/06/2001
Falconsclaws Simplified Posted: 01/16/2017
Fuddy Duddy Mild Ale Posted: 01/01/2001
Heaven Bohemian Pilsner Posted: 02/01/2001
Hell Imperial Pilsner Posted: 02/01/2001
Hippie Old Ale Posted: 01/01/2001
Historical Porter Posted: 10/29/2000
Hop Harvest Ale Posted: 11/18/2015
Jersey Red Ryder IPA Posted: 02/05/2013
Marzen Madness Posted: 03/02/2000
Marzen Madness 2001 Posted: 03/03/2001
Missed the Boat Stout Posted: 08/01/2000
Old Stout Porter Posted: 12/13/2013
Quarantine ESB Posted: 06/22/2020
Rich's Smoked Porter Posted: 03/01/2001
Sage Lime Wit Beer Posted: 11/14/2016
Saison d'Hiver Posted: 11/01/2001
Saison Figolla Posted: 02/15/2016
Schutzen Lite Lager Posted: 05/15/1999
Scottish Double Batch Posted: 01/01/2002
Second Bastard Belgian Posted: 12/06/2000
Second Bastard Dunkelweiss Posted: 12/06/1999
Second Dunkel Posted: 12/06/2001
Shop Brew Lambic Posted: 08/25/2015
Son of AHA Big Brew Pale Ale Posted: 05/01/2000
Stonehenge Gruit Ale Posted: 11/19/2000
Top Forty Old Ale Posted: 11/26/2013
Y'allternative Oatwine Posted: 07/26/2011

Club Meeting Winner

Black Bird Posted: 02/10/2014
C&R Barleywine Posted: 01/05/2015
Dortmunder Adambier Nov. 2016 Posted: 11/20/2016
Gulabi Kapla Posted: 06/02/2014
Izzy's Wheat Wine Posted: 04/14/2011
Oho! Orange Honey Red Ale Posted: 12/05/2011

Dialed In and Perfect

25th Anniversary IPA Posted: 02/01/2000
Big Ghost Saison Posted: 06/20/2011
Dead Simple Hefeweizen Posted: 03/16/2011
Falconsclaws 2001 Posted: 12/06/2001
Little Ghost Saison Posted: 06/21/2011
Old Smokey Barleywine Posted: 03/01/2000
Pliny the Elder Clone Posted: 05/04/2016
Saison Guacamole Posted: 06/20/2011
Spring Citrus Citra Saison Posted: 05/20/2015
Tempting Fate Posted: 03/23/2011
Valentine Mead Posted: 03/17/2011

Doug King Memorial Competition Winner

Black Bird Posted: 02/10/2014
Board Rye Barrel Barleywine Posted: 02/10/2013
Dougweiser Posted: 03/24/2011
Golden Goblet Gruit Ale Posted: 04/07/2011

Experiment Gone Wrong

Heaven Bohemian Pilsner Posted: 02/01/2001
Hell Imperial Pilsner Posted: 02/01/2001
Historical Porter Posted: 10/29/2000
Mexican Xmas Posted: 02/14/2013

Falcons Competitions

Dopplebock Posted: 03/31/2011

Festival Brew

Better than Bought Root Beer Posted: 10/27/2014
Fizzy Ginger Lemonade Posted: 10/27/2014

LA County Fair Winner

Dougweiser Posted: 03/24/2011
Elkwood Brown Posted: 09/20/2011

Mayfaire Winner

Agave Mead Posted: 04/01/2000
Ball-A-Holic Hefe Posted: 03/14/2011
Dougweiser Posted: 03/24/2011
Food Not Bombs Dubbel Posted: 05/29/2012
Mike Riddel's Tripel Trouble Posted: 04/01/2001

Oktoberfest Winner

End of the Rainbow Irish Red Posted: 03/31/2011


Elkwood Brown Posted: 09/20/2011
Falconsclaws Posted: 12/06/1999
Falconsclaws 2000 Posted: 12/06/2000
Falconsclaws 2001 Posted: 12/06/2001
Fuddy Duddy Mild Ale Posted: 01/01/2001
Hippie Old Ale Posted: 01/01/2001
Scottish Double Batch Posted: 01/01/2002
Second Bastard Belgian Posted: 12/06/2000
Second Bastard Dunkelweiss Posted: 12/06/1999
Second Dunkel Posted: 12/06/2001

Personal Brew

"Courage" Imperial Stout Posted: 01/01/2000
Abbatoir Imperial Black Rye Ale Posted: 09/13/2014
Arroyo De Oro Saison Posted: 11/09/2014
Belgian Spiced Mead Posted: 12/04/2011
Big Ghost Saison Posted: 06/20/2011
Big Red A.S.S. Posted: 08/08/2011
Bloody Head Stout Posted: 03/15/2011
Buyer's Remorse English IPA Posted: 03/15/2011
Clear Cut Spruce IPA Posted: 02/08/2015
Dark Heart of the Forest Posted: 06/09/2015
Dougweiser Posted: 03/24/2011
Falcon's Gyre Posted: 04/07/2011
Fat Cat Sweet Stout Posted: 08/01/2011
Glen Heather Scottish Export Posted: 03/31/2011
Honey Wheat Posted: 12/03/2011
Imperial Cakeweiser Posted: 03/01/2001
Izzy-Claus Posted: 03/29/2015
King Leopold's Ghost Posted: 03/04/2012
Lime Mint Soda Posted: 07/26/2012
Mexican Xmas Posted: 02/14/2013
Plainweiser Pub Ale Posted: 03/15/2011
Saison Ordnaire Posted: 03/15/2011
Schwarzbier (Black Beer) Posted: 09/01/2014
Survivor Pale Ale Posted: 03/29/2011
Tangerine Tupelo Melomel Posted: 02/21/2014
Tempting Fate Posted: 03/23/2011
The bro Porter Posted: 04/07/2013
Very Berry Melomel Posted: 09/30/2012
Wickedly Witty Ginger Posted: 03/31/2011


Beaver Tail Melomel Posted: 10/19/2012
Big Ghost Saison Posted: 06/20/2011
Bugged Out Oats Posted: 09/04/2011
Carrot Blossom Mead Posted: 11/14/2015
Electric Lemonade Posted: 09/02/2011
Express Mild Posted: 04/24/2011
Falconsclaws Posted: 12/06/1999
Falconsclaws 2000 Posted: 12/06/2000
Falconsclaws 2001 Posted: 12/06/2001
Falconsclaws Simplified Posted: 01/16/2017
Historical Porter Posted: 10/29/2000
Imperial Cakeweiser Posted: 03/01/2001
Izzy-Claus Posted: 03/29/2015
Mexican Xmas Posted: 02/14/2013
Saison for the Bee Keepers Posted: 11/13/2011
Saison Guacamole Posted: 06/20/2011
Second Bastard Dunkelweiss Posted: 12/06/1999
Szechuan Cherry Tonic Posted: 10/01/2012
Tangerine Tupelo Melomel Posted: 02/21/2014
Tempting Fate Posted: 03/23/2011
Vermont Viper Posted: 03/17/2011

Work in Progress

5 Malt Lager Posted: 09/01/2000
Beaver Tail Melomel Posted: 10/19/2012
Express Mild Posted: 04/24/2011
Falconsclaws Posted: 12/06/1999
Falconsclaws 2000 Posted: 12/06/2000
Izzy-Claus Posted: 03/29/2015
Marzen Madness Posted: 03/02/2000
Marzen Madness 2001 Posted: 03/03/2001
Mexican Xmas Posted: 02/14/2013
Missed the Boat Stout Posted: 08/01/2000
Saison d'Hiver Posted: 11/01/2001
Summer Even Bloodier Summer Ale Posted: 04/20/2011
Tom Yom Thai Mead Posted: 12/03/2011
Very Berry Melomel Posted: 09/30/2012
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